Advice to Newbie Programmers!

New programmers frequently make a tonne of errors while learning how to write code. The beginning of learning something new is generally a very difficult part of the process. I'm going to provide you some pieces of advice in this article that will undoubtedly be helpful to you. Important information to be aware of when beginning.

1) Do not watch video tutorials

Don't misunderstand me. Okay, I'm not saying that watching tutorial videos is terrible. However, I'm trying to make the point that it's actually not a good way to begin coding as a novice programmer. Your experience will become what is referred to as "tutorial hell".


You simply keep watching the videos without fully comprehending the lessons they are teaching. The same error was also made by me. Most creators of video lessons don't actually teach the main concepts and fundamentals you should really understand. Find the official documentation for whatever it is you are learning and studying, instead. Each standard programming language, framework, and library has its own online official documentation. You can then start looking for videos later.

2) Learn the basics

When learning to code, there are so many reasons to be thrilled. As a result, being overly excited may lead you to believe that you can simply begin developing apps like Hashnode, Facebook, or Instagram. You can accomplish it, I assure you, but these apps weren't created overnight or by a single individual. Actually, you should start by learning the fundamentals before progressing to intermediate and advanced ideas. Before you can run, you must learn to walk. Never learn advanced concepts without first mastering the fundamentals. You won't accomplish anything and will only waste your time, I assure you.

3) Don't rush things

Even when learning the fundamentals, getting overly excited can lead you to want to hurry what you should study carefully since you see others already creating useful apps that practically solve problems in the real world. But allow me to share this with you. The individual who was creating those apps was similar to you and had been involved in programming long before you probably ever considered learning to code. To be as good as they are, the person worked hard to learn the fundamentals as well. Permit me to also add that there are differences in our learning processes, strategies, and motivators.

4) Be consistent and diligent

I'm not joking when I say that every coder needs to embrace this. The essential consistency demanded of a coder is non-ending consistency, and this is no joke. You must be willing to get up every day and put in the necessary time for studying, researching, and writing code. Being a programmer is difficult, but nothing great comes easily. Programmers are not born, but rather are defined by sacrifice, forged in the depths of the night.

5) Build projects

If you don't apply the things you learn, there is no way you will truly understand that thing. Programming is also so much like that. You need to put the things you have learned into use by building projects no matter how small. All of these will actually help you in being the best developer you can be.

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